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Elevate your cake presentation!
White cake board featuring a pretty damask pattern.
Masonite cake board with matte white finish.
Matt white with lightly embossed pattern.
Masonite cake board with plain white finish.
With shiny gloss white finish.
Covered in shiny gold foil with a mirror-like finish.
Covered in shiny silver foil with a mirror-like finish.
Sturdy cake board in gorgeous rose gold.
Light blue cake board featuring a pretty damask pattern.
Black cake board featuring a pretty damask pattern.
Matt black with lightly embossed pattern.
Masonite cake board with matte black finish.
Drum-style cake board.
Thicker board for strength and stability.
Extra thick cake board.
Extra thick board for larger cakes.
Pretty pastel boards from Papyrus & Co.
Masonite cake board with plain black finish
Black cake board featuring a pretty damask pattern
5mm masonite board for strength and stability
Masonite cake board with shiny silver finish.
Masonite cake board with plain black finish.
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